Are there aliens in the Bible?

…or is it something even more interesting…?

I had a great chat with Gordon on Rune Soup about the beautiful complexities of language and the Hebrew language in particular, and about its relationship with consciousness and imagination. In the first few hours of its publication, someone had already furnished me with one of the most flattering compliments I’ve had in years.

We were riffing on ex-Vatican Bible translator Mauro Biglino’s literalistic reading of the Old Testament (and resulting hypothesis about alien visitation), but the text gets much weirder than that if you give it half a chance. As Terrence McKena put it:

We are part of a symbiotic relationship with something which disguises itself as an extra-terrestrial invasion so as not to alarm us

This podcast is about how language affects consciousness in general, and in particular how the Hebrew language works. I’m more interested in the quirks and potentials of the ancient language than how modern people pronounce it, and my Hebrew could definitely do with some work. One day I hope to progress to the level where I can elegantly insult Israelis (and maybe aliens too) in their own tongue, but for now I apologize in advance for any wonky pronunciation.

The conversation is quite detailed, which is great if you are interested in the limits of literalism and the potentials of poetry, but if you are not familiar with Biglinio’s argument, you might want to watch his appearance on Graham Hancock’s channel here.

Or just dive straight in here…

Finally, read Owen Barfield if you get a chance - he’s an absolute gem.


A Hypnotist in Berlin